4 Quick Kitchen Decluttering Tips

Have you ever walked into a friends freshly remodeled kitchen and say wow I love the amount of space you have? If you haven’t soon you will and will thinking about this article. Waking up or getting home to a kitchen with ample space to cook your meals is a must. Here are some quick decluttering tips to help you organize and make your kitchen feel like a new space:  

  1. Create a “Donate Box”. If it hasn’t been used in the last 5 years, chances are it never will. Donate it to a local charity or thrift store.
  2. Clean out the Panty. Throw away expired or rotten food. Use clear container with lids to consolidate pantry food and keep them fresh. Just label them for easy access; sugar, flour, cereal, etc…. Larger plastic jars are great space savers and help keep your pantry looking neat.
  3. Clear the Counters. Preparing a meal i a challenge with little or no space. Clear your counters of bulky appliances. The convenience of always having them plugged in is outweighed by the inconvenience of not have proper kitchen counter space. Feel free to put away your mixer, juicer and toaster until needed.
  4. Organize your Cabinets. By now you know the kitchen utensils most frequently used. Make your cooking zone efficient. Keep those frequently used spices and tools easily assessable. Stack and store rarely used cookware ready towards the back of cabinets.

KabCo Kitchens Media
