Welcome to the season of Togetherness, Home Cooked Meals and Entertaining

Is your Kitchen ready for the Holidays?

Most homes go to through extensive preparations for the holidays, and overlook the hardest working room in the house, the kitchen. This year, prepare your kitchen for a memorable entertaining season. Here are top 3 tips to get your kitchen in tip top shape.  

1. Clear out the clutter in your Fridge It’s the perfect time to declutter your fridge, freezer and pantry. Not only will this allow you to inventory your groceries more efficiently, it will also create more shelf room for all those holiday feasts. And keep in mind, expiration dates on non perishable foods don’t necessarily confirm spoilage, instead they are meant to simply inform retailers when products are at their best for freshness, taste and texture. Upwards of 90% of consumers trash perfectly good food because of dates on packaging. With this in mind, remove spoiled and unwanted items before big shopping days.

2. Keep it Minimal Now is time to declutter those kitchen counters. Remove extra items from shelves, counters and tables. Keep in mind, the most clutter is often found inside cabinets. If you declutter starting from the inside out, your kitchen will have more organized space. If necessary, place items in temporary storage to get the most out of your space for the holidays. With a minimalist kitchen, you’ll have the adequate room to prepare and entertain during this holiday season efficiently.

3. Keep Serveware Handy It’s time to unpack, and bring down your serving dishes and trays. Keeping servers and cookware organized can go a long way toward creating an memorable holiday meal. These underused items are usually beautiful and festive as well. Serving trays and platters can double as accent pieces and centerpieces throughout your kitchen and dining room.

Gather around, be thankful and enjoy the Holidays!


KabCo Kitchens Media
